
Named after the stunning Audrey Hepburn. The most elegant of all our pigeons, this magnificent and majestic bird is also known as the Pied Imperial Pigeon, Nutmeg Pigeon or Torres Strait Pigeon.
A large species of pigeon, growing to 8-44 centimetres (15-17.5 inches) in length with a 45 cm (18 in) wingspan. They leave Queensland for New Guinea in February–April and return to our shores in July–August. Their stunning plumage is entirely white or pale cream, apart from the black flight feathers and part of the tail. They feed solely on fruit from rainforest trees.
Dusk sees them speeding in groups to the offshore Islands to roost for the night, returning in the morning to forage for the day. Their beautiful 'woooo' call can be heard from tall trees. It is always a joy when we see them starting to return, a sign of warmer weather to come.
acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
120cm x 180cm